The Crypto Book - Siam Kidd

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THE CRYPTO GOLD RUSH IS ONLY JUST BEGINNING...This book is for everyone who has heard of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, wants to learn more - and make money on the back of it. Believe it or not, if you bought $1,000 of Bitcoin in 2010, you would now be worth over $220m! This has left the public stunned. People around the world are asking "What on earth is a crypto?", "Should I buy some Bitcoin?", "How do I even buy some cryptocurrencies?", "Isn't this just one big bubble?" and more.Siam Kidd is one of the world's leading authorities on how to safely invest in cryptocurrencies. He runs The Realistic Trader, home to the world's best crypto investing course for beginners with a community of followers from around the globe. He created this book to lift up the crypto bonnet in order to reveal, explain and illustrate everything you really need to know about this fascinating market. You'll learn:* What all this Crypto stuff is* Why it exists* Where this industry is going in the future* How it will positively change your life* The pitfalls and errors every newbie makes* And importantly, how to safely play in this market if you so wish to have a dabble with some risk capital!Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies it enables are being described by some people as the biggest thing since the internet, but very few people understand it, or the opportunities it brings. Enter this down-to-earth guide to understanding what cryptocurrencies are, why it matters, and how to make money from them.This book does all that without boring you with mathematics and Geek Speak.


Caracteristici tehnice

Gen Administrarea afacerilor
Subiect principal Studii de business
Autor Siam Kidd
Limba Engleza
Format Fizic
An publicare 2019
Tip coperta Brosata


Numar pagini 224

Brand: HODDER & STOUGHTON face eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor din acestă pagină. Rareori acestea pot conţine inadvertenţe: fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard, unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de catre producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Toate promoţiile prezente în site sunt valabile în limita stocului. In conformitate cu prevederile OUG 140/2021, produsele beneficiaza de garantie legala de conformitate de 24 de luni, cu exceptia continutului digital sau al serviciilor digitale, in cazul carora garantia legala de conformitate este de 60 de luni, potrivit OUG 141/2021. Prevederile anterior mentionate nu sunt aplicabile in cazul produselor alimentare.

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