Ipanema - Papuci, Multicolor, Multicolor

Estimat livrare în:

  • 30 zile drept de retur

92,99 Lei

Vândut și livrat de: Sportano 4.4

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Detalii produs

Nota: Aceasta descriere a fost tradusa automat in limba romana.


Papucii Ipanema pentru copii, din material de inalta calitate, sunt usori si confortabili la uzura si rezistenta mecanica. Talpa anti-alunecare si amortizare. Papuci biodegradabili certificati OK biobased TUV Austria.


Caracteristici generale

Culoare Multicolor
Material Sintetic

Brand: Ipanema

eMAG.ro face eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor din acestă pagină. Rareori acestea pot conţine inadvertenţe: fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard, unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de catre producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Toate promoţiile prezente în site sunt valabile în limita stocului. In conformitate cu prevederile OUG 140/2021, produsele beneficiaza de garantie legala de conformitate de 24 de luni, cu exceptia continutului digital sau al serviciilor digitale, in cazul carora garantia legala de conformitate este de 60 de luni, potrivit OUG 141/2021. Prevederile anterior mentionate nu sunt aplicabile in cazul produselor alimentare.

Se încarcă

Livrare si retur

Order delivery

Toate produsele sunt noi si livrate in ambalajul original al producatorului.

  • In perioada 2023-05-17 - 2029-12-31 , taxa de livrare pentru comenzile care contin produse din categoria Trambuline, este de 500 lei.
  • In perioada 2023-05-15 - 2029-12-31 , taxa de livrare pentru comenzile care contin produse din categoria Trambuline fitness, este de 1500 lei.
  • In perioada 2023-04-25 - 2029-12-31 , taxa de livrare pentru comenzile care contin produse din categoria Benzi de alergat, este de 1500 lei.
  • Incepand cu 2023-02-28 comenzile cu valoare mai mare de 200 lei beneficiaza de livrare gratuita.
    Taxa de livrare pentru comenzile cu valoare mai mica de 200 lei este de 20 lei.

Valoarea totala a transportului va fi afisata in cosul de cumparaturi inainte de plasarea comenzii.

Return policy

If you want to return products ordered from this eMAG Marketplace partner, you can do so via Courier. Each trader on the eMAG platform can independently determine the method by which they accept returns, therefore it is important to consult this section before formulating the return request. Below you will find the entire return policy of our partner:

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us about your decision to withdraw from this contract, registering a return request here .
According to article 9 para. 1 of Government Ordinance no. 34 of June 12, 2014 regarding consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, you have the right to withdraw from contracts concluded at a distance, without specifying the reasons, within 30 days from the date on which you or a third party, another than the carrier, indicated by you, in physical possession of the products / the last product.
If you withdraw, we will refund any amount we have received from you, including delivery costs, with the exception of additional costs determined by the fact that you have chosen a different delivery method than the cheapest standard delivery type offered by us, without delay unjustified and, in any case, no later than 14 days from the date on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will make this refund using the same payment method as the one used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressed your express agreement for another method of reimbursement; in any case, you will not be charged commissions as a result of such reimbursement.
Ship the products or deliver them directly to us at the address SPORTANO.COM Sp. z o.o.Intravilan Arad, DN69 FN, VGP PARK, 310059 without undue delay and, in any case, within a maximum of 14 days from the date on which you communicated to us retreat. The term is respected if the products are sent back before the expiration of the 30-day period.
You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the products.
You are only responsible for diminishing the value of the products resulting from manipulations, other than those necessary to determine the nature, qualities and functioning of the products.
Our operators will support you in choosing the method of return and will provide you with the necessary details regarding the shipping address of the products, packaging or contacting the courier company.

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